Okay, my faithful followers and newcomers to my part of the world, I have a question for you and I hope you will answer me back. I want to know some of the books that have changed your life, or have helped shape you into the man or woman you are today (or are hoping to become). These books can be anything from a picture book to a novel like
War and Peace (you're amazing if you've read that!).
You don't have to blog about the book(s), just leave a comment on the page and we'll see where this goes.
One book that has changed my life is Jay Asher's
Th1rteen R3asons Why. As a person who was very much in Clay's shoes at one time, I found great comfort in the novel and a slight understanding of what "
my Hannah" (who was a boy) may have gone through. The book also helped me realize that sometimes, it's not just one thing that causes someone to snap, but a slow progression of events or attitudes that can bury someone.
Well, that's one of mine. Let me hear yours.