25 April 2009

Audio Book Awesomeness: Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher

Okay, I have raved about Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher for weeks now and people may be getting a little tired of it, but it's AMAZING. I decided to listen to the audio book becuase I wanted to know if hearing the book would be as good. Let me tell you, it may have been better! Joel Johnstone and Debra Wiseman were amazing at bringing Clay and Hannah to life (or prior to death). When it got to Clay's tape, I couldn't stop crying. Each word was even more powerful when hearing the actors speak. Hearing the actor's voices made the book even more real and emotional. I used close to half a box of tissues reading the book and I think the other half listening to it.

I give this audiobook : 5 stars


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