23 February 2009

Series Round-up: True Life from Hamilton High Series by Marilyn Reynolds

Telling is the book that started it all for me. I believe it was the first YA book I read and It is definitely the one I remember the best. Cassie was a typical 12 year old girl. She fought with her mom, was annoyed by her brother and loved hanging out with her friends and her cousin, Lisa. When a new family moved into the neighborhood, all that changed. Soon, the new family became a big part of Cassie's life, she hung out with them, helped around the house and even babysat their children. Then the father of the children she sits for begins molesting her, Cassie turns to her cousin instead of an adult. Cassie and Lisa soon learn to trust in the adults in their family and healing can begin.

In Shut Up, Marilyn Reynolds takes a story similar to Telling but chooses to bring to light that boys can be molested also. In this book, a ten year old boy is the victim of his mother's boyfriend. He withdraws from everyone until his older brother walks in on molestation. From that moment on, brother and brother work to stay together and finally get the help they need.

Erica was a model student. She got good grades, kept a steady job, but her boyfriend was not a good influence to her. At one point in the book a police officer warns Erica that "If she lays down with dogs, she's going to get fleas . . ." Erica ignores the warnings until her boyfriends friend rapes her and her boyfriend does nothing to stop it from happening.

Teen Pregnancy from the guy point of view. Jeff didn't mean to get his girlfriend pregnant. When the girlfriend decides to keep the baby, Jeff has to step up and be the man he has become and help take care of their daughter.

In Detour for Emmy, Emmy is a straight A student, lead soprano in choir and an all around good girl who happens to get pregnant. Emmy has to deal with the disappointment of adults, the abandonment of her boyfriend and the constant stares that accompany her growing belly.
Marilyn Reynolds really knows how to make a story so gripping that you don't want to put the book down until you have read the final word. Her True Life from Hamilton High series is emotionally gripping and wondrful. One thing that I LOVE about the series is the parents usually try to help and in the cases of molestation and rape, always believe their child.


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